About 805 Lacrosse Project
805 Lacrosse Project is a promotional effort for lacrosse in Ventura, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties, the 805 area code. We don't have a one-organization-will-do-it-all approach. We would like to support your efforts at growing lacrosse any way we can and help coordinate collaboration.
Have Sticks, Will Travel
805 Lacrosse Project first seeks to increase the number of boys and girls playing lacrosse in all of the 805 area code through P.E. Lessons at elementary schools and with inexpensive fun clinics.
Teach To Fish
Second, 805 Lacrosse Project will focus on coach and referee education for general improvement of Lacrosse IQ throughout the 805. For the referee development we have partnered with Channel Coast Women's Lacrosse Official's Association (CCWLO and support their efforts.
Facilitate & Share Resources
Third, 805 Lacrosse will offer grassroots organizations ideas for growth and improvement while also supporting local lacrosse groups with play days and league play.
Global View
There's experienced and high level lacrosse play already out there. The more higher level lacrosse comes to the 805 area code, the more rapid the improvement can be for players, coaches and referees in the 805 area code. Play against it, watch it and learn from it.
While we believe the game does not need re-inventing we do believe in innovation. Subtle difference but 805 Lacrosse Project does outreach, teaches others how to do their own outreach and provides consultation. This along with providing a view of high level coaching, playing and officiating offers others the tools to advance their own lacrosse project. Then others are the innovators who encourage more boys and girls to play and take the game to the next level in their area. This is better than us coming in and doing it all for you.
805 Lacrosse Project would like to help support youth lacrosse improvement projects for existing and new K - 12 organizations. Please contact us.
805 Lacrosse Project is a promotional effort for lacrosse in Ventura, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties, the 805 area code. We don't have a one-organization-will-do-it-all approach. We would like to support your efforts at growing lacrosse any way we can and help coordinate collaboration.
Have Sticks, Will Travel
805 Lacrosse Project first seeks to increase the number of boys and girls playing lacrosse in all of the 805 area code through P.E. Lessons at elementary schools and with inexpensive fun clinics.
Teach To Fish
Second, 805 Lacrosse Project will focus on coach and referee education for general improvement of Lacrosse IQ throughout the 805. For the referee development we have partnered with Channel Coast Women's Lacrosse Official's Association (CCWLO and support their efforts.
Facilitate & Share Resources
Third, 805 Lacrosse will offer grassroots organizations ideas for growth and improvement while also supporting local lacrosse groups with play days and league play.
Global View
There's experienced and high level lacrosse play already out there. The more higher level lacrosse comes to the 805 area code, the more rapid the improvement can be for players, coaches and referees in the 805 area code. Play against it, watch it and learn from it.
While we believe the game does not need re-inventing we do believe in innovation. Subtle difference but 805 Lacrosse Project does outreach, teaches others how to do their own outreach and provides consultation. This along with providing a view of high level coaching, playing and officiating offers others the tools to advance their own lacrosse project. Then others are the innovators who encourage more boys and girls to play and take the game to the next level in their area. This is better than us coming in and doing it all for you.
805 Lacrosse Project would like to help support youth lacrosse improvement projects for existing and new K - 12 organizations. Please contact us.